Below are some articles I wrote for Catalogue & Index, the periodical of the CILIP Cataloguing and Indexing Group (CIG). They are all now freely available as PDFs in UCL’s repository. The first three were written following CIG”s Linked Data:…
MRV MARC Record Viewer
I have finally completed a multiple record MARC Record Viewer. This has been rather long in the making but is essentially a quick and practical tool for looking at and assessing MARC records without having to load them into specialist…
How big is my book: Mashcat session
At Mashcat on 5 July in Cambridge I gave an afternoon session on getting computer readable information from the textual information held in MARC21 300 fields using Javascript and regular expressions. I intended this to be useful for cataloguers who…
MARC Viewer Codecademy Project
I have created a Codecademy project (with a lot of help in corrections and improvements from Esther Arens!) that builds a short script to read a raw MARC record and display it in a more readable format. Try it here:…