Below is a way to hide drop-down menus from popping up suggesting values in fields like the 260/264 field in the Alma Metadata Editor, e.g. this kind of thing: Please be aware that it does affect all “suggestion” drop-downs in…
Brief Introduction to Regular Expressions
This is a web version for reference of a .docx file originally produced for the Mashcat 2012 session I did called How Big Is My Book. Resurrected to form the Manual for Meret, a regular expressions tutorial based on Marcedit…
Articles about Linked Data, MARC, Bibframe, and Authority Control
Below are some articles I wrote for Catalogue & Index, the periodical of the CILIP Cataloguing and Indexing Group (CIG). They are all now freely available as PDFs in UCL’s repository. The first three were written following CIG”s Linked Data:…
RLUK/European Library linked data sample
RLUK and the European Library (of which the RLUK is now a member) have just released 17 million records as linked open data. They have released three sets (via Mike Mertens), for which links to the RDF turtle versions are…
Automatic table of contents for RDA Toolkit workflows
Below is described a way to add tables of contents to RDA Toolkit workflows automatically, i.e. without manually adding anchors and creating a list. You can see an example of it action on this workflow (although of course I can’t…
Bookmarklet for searching catalogues from Wikipedia
I have come up with two bookmarklets that allow you to search for an author’s works in a library catalogue from the author’s Wikipedia page in one click. A bookmarklet is a browser bookmark that does something with the page…
RDF Viewer
I have programmed a simple RDF viewer called RDFV RDF Viewer for viewing RDF. Copy and paste the contents of an RDF turtle or n-triples file into the box. The viewer will let you click on an element to highlight…
MRV MARC Record Viewer
I have finally completed a multiple record MARC Record Viewer. This has been rather long in the making but is essentially a quick and practical tool for looking at and assessing MARC records without having to load them into specialist…
One record in lots of data formats
For a Dev8d session I did with Owen Stephens in February I presented data for a single book and followed how it had changed as standards changed, trying above to explain to non-cataloguers why catalogue records look and work the…
How big is my book: Mashcat session
At Mashcat on 5 July in Cambridge I gave an afternoon session on getting computer readable information from the textual information held in MARC21 300 fields using Javascript and regular expressions. I intended this to be useful for cataloguers who…